Category Archives: Writing & Social Commentary

Movie Recommendation

Do not miss Indignation! By far the best movie I’ve seen this year. If you [...]

Everyone Is Really Pissed Off!!!

What does it take to make a person so enraged that they want kill as [...]


Freedom From Religion Foundation Visit (Or, Does Santa Claus = God?)

During my recent visit to Wisconsin to join the McGlynn family reunion, I visited the [...]

Miscellaneous Items

Cell Phones  It is time to nationalize the cell phone industry. Tired of spotty reception? [...]

Lessons From the Autopsy Room

For a year when I was studying science trying to get into medical school, I [...]


End of Life Options Act Passed!

“I am doing anything I can to extend my life. No one should have the [...]


Ask Your Doctor, Tell Your Doctor

(Better Yet, Ask Your Congressperson to Ban Drug Advertising on TV.) Erectile dysfunction; constipation; chronic [...]

Dena, Freud, and Me: a one-man show by Rick Gilbert

“This is going on your PERMANENT RECORD!” As a youth, Rick spent more time in [...]


Why I’m Voting For Anna Eshoo!

In the fall of 2001, Mary, Katy and I visited Washington, DC to watch Mary’s [...]


The Secret to Growing Avocado Trees: Patience

Remember in college, you’d put three toothpicks into an avocado seed, put it in a [...]

Hail, hail, hail, hail Hillside

I graduated from Hillside Elementary School in Berkeley in 1951. The school was condemned due [...]


One man show in Redwood City, June 20

Show at The Marsh went great. Only dropped two lines!

Rick’s One Man Show – Please Save the Dates

Tuesday, May 24 at The Marsh: 1062 Valencia, Street, San Francisco – (415) 641-0235 “Let [...]

Don’t Die Intestate, Like Prince !

Intestate: without a will.  It is stunning news that Prince had no will. What a [...]

Be A Quitter !

Book Review: GRIT, the Power of Passion and Perseverance As I prepare for my upcoming [...]


TV Not To Miss

Something really strange happened last night. I stood up in front of the TV screaming [...]

Hitchhking by Airplane

In the fall of 1968 I hitched a ride from Austin, Texas to Los Angeles. [...]


Humor of the Week

Mr. and Mrs. Carrot are walking down the street.  Mrs. Carrot steps into the crosswalk [...]

The Best We Have To Offer Each Other

Nic Askew’s amazing short film. A daughter reflects on what a father did when he [...]

Upcoming One-Man Show: Dena, Freud, and Me

My upcoming show will feature a couple of musical numbers. Here is a special preview [...]

My Love Affair With Venus

Visiting Paris in 1970, I spent a day at the Louvre. I wandered from room [...]

Dear Hollywood: Stop With the Drugs and Sex

Ray; Walk the Line; I Saw the Light; Born to be Blue; Miles Ahead; LaBamba; [...]


Q: What Do Donald Trump and O.J. Simpson Have in Common?

A: Supporters Driven by Emotion Their millions of supporters feel “dissed.” The Trump supporters are [...]