Monthly Archives: March 2017

Odds and Ends

There is no evidence that Obama wire tapped Trump during the election, say the spook [...]

What Have Been Your Turning Points?

Two of the best ideas from my last show in January were connecting the dots, [...]

Healthcare’s Elephant in the Room

     “If this bill (Repeal and Replace) fails, there is only one plan B. [...]

Bridges: A Body of Work

As a photographer, like a moth to a flame, I am drawn to bridges; on [...]

Don’t Be A Wine Snob

I run with a fast-paced, full-bodied, silky, buttery crowd. For them, wine drinking is a [...]


The Conservatory of Flowers

Our niece, Katie Shadick, is visiting from Wisconsin. She is very interested in flowers, botany, [...]

The Drag Racing Seminar

In 1973, I was teaching at SF State in a new program for upper division [...]

Healthcare: Elephant in the Room

Healthcare: The Elephant in the Room In a close second to global warming and income [...]