Gun Control: California’s Attorney General Agrees with Let ‘er Rip!

In my last blog post, I suggested a way to end this interminable debate over the Second Amendment and gun control is to publish police photos of the bloody aftermath of these mass killings on the covers of national magazines. An outraged public would demand action from their politicians. 

To my surprise, Kamala Harris recently commented that the way to get tougher gun control laws involves forcing lawmakers to get a first-hand exposure to the carnage. She said:

“They should have closed the chambers of Congress, on the House and the Senate side, and said, ‘All you members go in there and look at the autopsy photos of those babies.’ Require them to look at those photographs.”

Hooray for Ms. Harris!

2 thoughts on “Gun Control: California’s Attorney General Agrees with Let ‘er Rip!

  1. Hal, the commie pinko!! says:

    I am not sure why folks are so paranoid about having to register a gun. We register all kinds of things. Paranoia is alive and well in every corner of the country. But not to worry, Ben Carson will be there to charge the shooter!!

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