I would not tell anyone else that he or she should choose death with dignity. My question is: Who has the right to tell me that I don’t deserve this choice? That I deserve to suffer for weeks or months in tremendous amounts of physical and emotional pain? Why should anyone have the right to make that choice for me?
– Brittany Maynard
Compassion and Choices had a promotional luncheon in San Francisco at The Four Seasons Hotel on Thursday, April 23. There I met and had the honor of interviewing* Brittany Maynard’s husband, Daniel Diaz. Please take five minutes to watch this video. I predict Dan’s vision and compassion will touch you – perhaps even get you involved.
– Rick Gilbert
* The interview happened just after the luncheon. Please excuse the noise of dishes being cleared, and chairs being stacked.
Congratulations, Rick, on another successful interview. You have a way of putting interviewees at ease in front of the camera. I hope a lot of people will see this video. It’s important.
Rick, I agree with Robert’s comment on the way you are able to put people at ease so they can tell their story. Also, your questions are kind and focused, which helps get to the heart of the matter. I admire Daniel’s courage as much as Brittany’s. Thanks!
PS: to my earlier post
Rick, thanks for adding the web address for http://thebrittanyfund.org/. Since the letter is already drafted it made it quick and easy to send it to my senator and representative.
Great interview, Rick. You are drawn to the important issues.