Katy’s Wedding Veil
February 2023. Katy and Nate got married. Simple ceremony. About a dozen people. Katy wanted to put her artistic stamp on this wonderful event. It was all about her veil. A riot of colors and shapes to enliven the white dress.

A stunning, handmade work of art. Put it in the closet after the wedding? No way! Katy and Nate had it mounted and framed. It now hangs on their living room wall.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
-John Keats
From Bodega Bay

Breaking News
Dateline: Redwood City, California
MSNBC reported that a commentator in Redwood City, California named Rick Gilbert gave MAGA Republicans their election platform in six words:
Fuck the Poor
Enrich the Elites
A grateful Donald Trump called Gilbert to thank him for such clarity. He said it will make a great bumper sticker and yard sign. He will also make it available in Bible and sneaker versions. He then offered Gilbert a cabinet position, Secretary of Truthiness.
MSNBC has been unable to confirm Gilbert’s decision.
The Dems Big Mistake
In a four-day orgy of wonderful speechifying last week, we heard the DNC scream from the rooftops about including everyone. Yes, hooray for unions and hourly workers! Yes, hooray for all the previously ignored minorities of all kinds? Yes. Terrific. Should happen.

But it left me wondering, what about the owner class? What about the dreaded east coast, Ivy League, old-money elites who really do run everything? What about the capitalists who make things happen, and, who, btw, control Congress and the Supreme Court?
What if I am a 45-year old, MBA working on Wall Street with a net worth of $20 million, or even $100 million? Am I the enemy of the DNC? Do I only have a home with the TNC (Trump National Convention.)?
When the DNC says they want to include EVERYONE! what they seem to be implicitly saying is…everyone except the capitalists – who we hate.
In my forty years working in Silicon Valley, I have met a number of very, very wealthy people (CEOs, entrepreneurs, etc.) who care a lot that hourly workers earn enough to support their families… and maybe even be able to save for retirement.
So, my advice to Kamala Harris: Please include wealthy liberals. Think: Kennedy dynasty, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, etc.This is vitally important since she really grew up in Berkeley, and her estranged father, Donald Harris (irony on that first name) is an economist specializing in Marxist theory. Bet we’ll hear a lot about this in the coming weeks from the Trump campaign.
We need wealthy capitalists to create and manage the businesses that employ those hourly workers the dems rightly care so much about.
Gotta be a team effort.
Read! Love the veil!!!
Nice writeup on Katy’s veil.
Yay for Katy and Nate- the veil is beautiful!
I can’t wait to hear if you take that cabinet position with Trump. Your slogan for him is soo right on! No wonder he loves you. But I’m sorry to tell you, you won’t have a cabinet position because HE IS NOT GOING TO WIN. NO WAY JOSÉ!! Not a snowball’s chance in hell!!!
So the spectacular veil is hand made? How? By whom? Is all that embroidery or applicé or HOW was it made. It is spectacular and a gorgeous wall piece!
Love the veil! So feminine and brilliant and sassy!
WE have to DO SOMETHING TOGETHER to ensure he doesn’t win again. My emerging plan is to go to Wisconsin for 1-2 weeks in October and campaign–gotta be careful in those rural areas tho!!
Congratulations to her and you, Rick! Walking a daughter down the aisle is a one time life event that in someway touches every father‘s heart right to its core.