Coping ?

How Are You Coping?

In his Monday’s column, Robert Reich posed this question:  How are you dealing with these uncertain times? For me, there are four things:

1) Family and friends

Men’s Group

Berkeley High Zoom Group

2) Writing 

The Heart of a Scrub Nurse

I was still in excruciating pain after my low-back cortisone injection. In the recovery room, the attending nurse started barking orders at me about what I need to do when I got home. Something in me snapped.

I blasted her, “You need to get some lessons in communication. I’m not interested in being yelled at.” This made her furious.  She turned on her heel, “I’ve had enough, I’m going home!” She stormed out, slamming the door. That was a year and a half ago.

I felt bad about the whole encounter. I kept thinking “If I have to go back for another treatment, I sure as hell don’t want to see nurse Ratched again.”

But guess what? I recently had to go in for a cortisone tune-up. Sure enough, she was there along with other nurses and orderlies taking care of patients who were coming through for cortisone shots. When she came to help me get ready for the procedure, she clearly did not remember me. She was quite friendly and supportive in helping me relax in preparation for my injection. I kept thinking, “Should I reach out to her about what happened between us?”

After the injection was over, I was in the recovery room. She came to see how I was doing. I said, “I don’t know if you remember me, but a while back you were attending to me after my cortisone injection. I took issue with how you were talking to me, and I blasted you. I want to apologize for being so touchy and insensitive. I was in a great deal of pain and very anxious about what was happening.  Today, I see you are most helpful and caring for me and other patients, so I want to let you know that I regret any hurt that I caused you out of my own pain and uncertainty. “

Her eyes welled up with tears . Clearly what I said brought back the pain of that interaction. She held tightly onto my arm, and said “Thank you, you have made my day.”

Suddenly, I felt close to her. I had a new friend. Going home, I felt light and happy with our interaction. If I need another treatment, which is likely, I will look forward to seeing my new friend.

3) Photography

4) Gardening

What is working for you?

I’d love to hear from you. What gets you through our current challenges?

5 thoughts on “Coping ?

  1. Bill says:

    I think of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and that leads me to remember how unbelievably fortunate I am and what enormous responsibilities I still have.

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