Why Atheist Photographers Should Not Be Allowed in Catholic Churches
Good friends Tom and Stephanie Moore were renewing their wedding vows in the church where they were married forty years ago, on the campus of St. Mary’s College in Moraga.
Entering the church, the first thing I noticed was how the stained glass windows were reflected in the water of the birdbath by the front door. Great shot. Since it was dark and I had no tripod, I used the lip of the birdbath to steady my camera.
My favorite shot:

After taking half a dozen images, I was aware of people behind me waiting for something. I moved to one side. They all dipped their fingers in the water and crossed themselves before taking their seats. Then it dawned on me, “Oh yeah, this is holy water.” Fortunately, I was not tossed out of the church, though I did get a few angry looks.
More favorite photos:

Photographic Reflections
New book going to the printer this week. Hard copies available soon. E-books from Amazon not yet determined.

If Sigmund Freud and Annie Leibovitz had a baby, it would be this book.
Breaking News
The M.L.B. star Shohei Ohtani will sign with the Dodgers for a record $700 million contract
WTF? What is wrong with our society / economic system? We have hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans living in tents without running water, electricity or basic sanitation. Yet we are so hungry for the mindless distraction of professional sports that we let a travisty like this happen.
Building Lives Through Music
The other end of the economic / social spectrum is a small musical instrument repair shop in LA. They are helping children build their futures through music. Of course, they struggle to keep afloat financially.
Please check out the story on YouTube: The Last Repair Shop.
Oh my heavens, watch this video. It is soooo moving. What an amazing, touching story — stories actually. Have tissues handy. — Congratulations on the book, Rick. Can’t wait to hold it in my hands. — Does you camera feel more blessed, now that it has been touched by holy water?
This video went straight to my heart. What an amazing, touching, uplifting story. Thank you for sharing this. You made my day. Best of luck with your book and I loved the photo with the reflection.
My greatest hope, in the face of that contract’s jack booting our Declaration of Independence , is Mr Otani will set up( by hiring experts) a forever self sustaining educational support system backing up the students in the economic bottom 15% in our beleaguered USA. I doubt Mr Otani’s fortune would suffer terribly, if at all.
Loved the piece on the musical instrument repair shop.
reflections can contain magic, rick, and you have the eyes….hey, an employer is calculating that what he pays a special employee will bring a profit in the long run….it’s just business, in a very profitable industry…..the beauty in your video of restoring life to musical instruments is infinite as everyone wins joy….those who repair, those whose lives are enriched….I saw it this morning, I am still smiling….beauty comes to us in so many forms…..
Rick, thank you for both finding and sharing the amazing and deeply touching video about the power of music to connect, and the beautiful people who repair the instruments for the children who play them. You, more than many people, appreciate the power of a well-told story. Thanks!
Fine peace on music changing lives. Thank you.
About renewing vows: a Beloved and white haired cousin, one of nine children, and the only girl in the Catholic family, told me about some of her brothers coming to her about their parents pending 50th wedding anniversary. The brothers wanted to have a mass where their parents would renew their vows, and thought, my cousin was the best one to ask him to do so. She thought it best to ask their priest to make the suggestion and the request. He agreed to do so, and a week later sat down with her to tell her what happened.
He said he had called my aunt and just told her he would like to come by for a cup of tea with the two of them. When he arrived, he was graciously received, a nice cup of tea was served, and they sat down. Then my aunt asked him now what would be the reason that you’re really hear Father? He told them their children had come to him as they wanted them to have a mass and renew their vows. Would you like to do that? He asked.
My aunt looked him right in the eye, and said NO.!
The priest was a little astonished, and asked why? And she replied:
“ I meant it the first time!”
“I meant it the first time.” LOL! Sometimes age does provide wisdom.
Can’t wait for your next tome.