Blooming Garden

Blooming Garden

Wonderful to see new blossoms coming out daily. 

At the local ice cream store in Los Altos

The Story Arc of Our Lives

Inspired by an article I read, I put together what I call “The Story Arc of My Life.” In his Stanford commencement address, Steve Jobs urged people to “connect the dots of your life.” These are the dots of my life. Looking back, I see how they shaped the direction of my life. What are yours?

My Story Arc

Star of the 1st grade play, The Owl

Slow reading group

Only child

Kicked out of Boy Scouts three times

Working on cars

VP Berkeley High School / President of Corinthians

Yell leader in college

Liking college and academic work

Building a treehouse

Lying about losing my virginity 

Working in Public Health / VD department

Meeting Bob Dreher and Bob Suczek at SFSate

Medical School / autopsy assistant / Kaiser ER

SF State Drag Racing Seminar / Don Garlits

Dissertation research – getting PhD

Sax lessons: Dena Pappas – Let ‘er Rip

Group Living: 20 Idlewood, Kentfiled

College teaching, SF State, etc.

Mary McGlynn – human sexuality

Corporate – teaching public speaking / interviewing David Packard


Starting / running PowerSpeaking

President National Speakers Association (SF)

Decision to become a parent / Katy

Speaking to the Big Dogs

Retirement / making and losing money / 7 shows / 5 books

Starting a men’s group / BHS Zoom group

Preparing for death

Robert Reich Improved 30 Million Lives

OK, let’s say we are on our deathbed. A bright light comes through the window and God says, “So Rick, how do you justify your 84 years on this planet? Did you make a difference?” I say, “God you don’t exist, so I must be having a fever dream as I am dying.” God: “Rick shut up. I’m here whether you believe in me or not. Answer the damn question.” 

Now, if I were Robert Reich, I’d have a great answer. Here is what happened. In one of his televised lectures to his class at U.C. Berkeley, Reich addressed the question, “Who should get public assistance?”  In 1993 with both houses with Republican majorities, when Reich worked for Bill Clinton as secretary of labor, he began lobbying for minimum wage increase. Some interest in Congress, but huge resistance by the restaurant lobby. The fear is that if a restaurant (for example), raised workers’ wages, it would hurt the business cycle because employers would hire fewer workers.

Reich drew on the results of a study that compared two markets: one lower minimum wage and one higher. Using data from this study, he persuaded members of house and senate that increasing the minimum wage improves the business cycle, not harms it. 

The minimum wage increase that was passed improved the lives of 30 million people. Reich said it was the highlight of his year. I should say. Could any of us on our deathbed claim such an achievement? I hope so. Hooray for social science research. Hooray for Robert Reich. To learn more about Reich’s work, you can sign up for his daily email and weekly lectures. To see the study he used: David Card and Alan Krueger (1992).  

“The place to put our faith is in human conversation. This is all we have to work with.”  

– Sam Harris


 “Put the chairs in a circle.”

– Rick Gilbert      

9 thoughts on “Blooming Garden

  1. Lil Schaller says:

    Incredible photos! You have such a passion in everything that you do, whether it’s photography, telling stories, relating to your friends. I don’t think you’ll ever retire!

    I’m curious how my life will unfold when I retire!

    Love & hugs to you and Mary.

  2. George O. Petty says:

    Putting together your dots and Reich’s achievement, what would you say to the bright light coming through the window.? How did your dots influence the lives of others?

    • Jessica Fullmer says:

      Rick, you have brought quality and pleasure for decades for many, thank you for including me.
      I agree with what Robert said below, your creativity is a gift for us to experience.
      Very good thoughts for you and yours life paths

  3. Meribeth Germino says:

    Ditto what Lil said! You’re amazing Rick…I learn so much from you every time I read your stories…THANK YOU! Miss you guys!!

  4. Jessica Fullmer says:

    Rick, you have brought quality and pleasure for decades for many, thank you for including me.
    I agree with what Robert said below, your creativity is a gift for us to experience.
    Very good thoughts for you and yours life paths

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