Solo Aging (without kids) Sara Zeff Geber, PhD

Solo Aging


Solo aging is a term describing people who are growing old without children, or anyone to care for them. Our long-time colleague and friend, Sara Zeff Geber has written a book about this and has become a national authority. She speaks around the country and writes regular columns for As we confront the prospect of longer lives after retirement than ever before, I thought Sara’s insight could be helpful.

This is my second interview on Zoom. Sara was in Santa Rosa and I was in Redwood City. Accept for a few audio blips the quality is pretty good. Hope you enjoy Sara’s guidance about a topic we all have to deal with, with or without children to help.



Last year, we had baby hummingbirds ready to leave the nest.

This year mama is back. We’re waiting

4 thoughts on “Solo Aging (without kids) Sara Zeff Geber, PhD

  1. Lil Schaller says:

    Interesting, especially with the current situation that we’re living through!

    Had a good laugh when you said “And if I were shy . . .”. NOT!

  2. Mary says:

    Great topic. We have a daughter but she lives in another country so we’ve thought about this issue. I liked Sara’s emphasis on maintaining relationships as we age. In our case that includes our nieces as well.

  3. Dina Smith Powers says:

    Important for us extroverts with a social network to reach out to introverts when are used to hibernating – like my brother. He always appreciates my calls to be there for him .

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