In March of 2014, Don Schaller was dying of MS. He had just weeks to live. Jim Keeffe and I went to visit Don at his home in Truckee. One of the best ways to communicate is through song, so Jim and I “let ‘er rip!” A month later, we attended Don’s memorial. Since he loved “I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover,” we ended his memorial with that song.
Sadly, three years later Jim suffered a massive, paralyzing stroke. So, for his 80th birthday, we sang to and with him. This eight-minute video takes you to those magical, and powerful moments with Don and Jim.
Oh man Rick, I almost didn’t watch the whole thing becuase I started tearing up after he joined in singing with you. Really beautiful.
That’s so moving. Thank you for sharing.
Your Sing Alongs are beautiful acts, Rick. Thank you!