One warm October afternoon in 1966 I shot a roll of B&W film of a Janis Joplin Golden Gate Park free concert. It was before she hit the big time. There was no security, so I got up close. Here, from the San Jose Mercury, (October 27, 2001) is what happened.
I’m always amazed at the people and places you have gotten to, and the stories you tell! (I’m also reminded that you were a very beautiful young man in ’66.) Your story brings back a memory of another night — it must have been about the same time — when a group of us were at the Cabal on San Pablo in Berkeley totally into a Chambers Brothers set and this young woman who had just arrived with someone on a motorcycle started whaling with them from the audience. Someone called her “Tex.” We found out later, it was Janis.
Were you there that night? I know Terry was, and possibly Tim.
Thanks for reminding me. Love, A