Sarah Cameron Sunde is a performance artist living in New York. I met her recently at a memorial service for her uncle Allen Leggett, a friend I’d known since grammar school. Her latest work makes a statement about global warming and sea level rise. I interviewed her at the reception.
Imagine standing in cold sea water through an entire cycle of the tide going in and out, usually 12 – 15 hours. That is what Sarah does in her performances. Don’t miss this interview. An amazing story. For more information:
Part of my 2016 interview with Gloria Steinem concerned a story about putting women in a circle in Africa to solve the problem of sex trafficking. The circle creates a “force field” that has magical properties. It solved the sex trafficking problem. Check it out…
What an extraordinary performance artist! WOW. GREAT interview.
Does she actually now get other people to do this with her? What were those photos of other people standing in the water too?