Chapter 3: Parenthood

Here is a preview of Chapter 3 from my new audio book, Listen Deeply; Be Amazed; Tell The Story…. It explores the highs and lows of becoming a parent. Perspectives come from a pediatrician, a CEO, a reformed “juvenile delinquent,” and a retired dancer. If you can spare a few minutes, I’d love it if you could give it a listen.

Cure For Chaos?

Unemployment skyrocketing; economic uncertainty; C-19 killing 170,000 Americans; Political and election disarray; hundreds of fires scorching the west. A friend asked a rhetorical question yesterday: “Why are we being punished?” Then he answered his own question: “Gay marriage.” He went on the suggest a solution, a cure for all this misery, “We could pacify the gods by killing some virgins.” I told him that was old school.

I suggested to my friend a better way to handle the anxiety we’re all experiencing: go into your garden.

First, Read this great article in The New Yorker: The Therapeutic Power of Gardening: August 17, 2020.

Second, Plant sunflower seeds. They give you instant gratification.

Day 7

Third, Make a garden out of old kitchen appliances.

Cares of the world will melt away…or, maybe not.

4 thoughts on “Chapter 3: Parenthood

  1. Lil Schaller says:

    I still vividly remember the dinner the 4 of us had in Healdsburg where you shared that having children didn’t mean anything because we were all just a “blip” in the universe. So glad Kate proved you wrong!!!

    Love you all!

  2. John Warren says:

    Rick, as I heard you share the quotes from Katy, I so wish I had recorded more of Kelly’s when she was growing up – what treasures!

    We are not using old kitchen appliances for our plants, but our front and side garden bring us peace and joy! I especially delight in the flowers Mary has planted and the herbs I use for cooking.

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