Celebration 85


Celebration 85

Unbelievable… how can I be 85? Somehow, it happened. On May 19 (actual birthday was in March), my wife Mary and I put on a huge party to celebrate my birthday and my new book, Photographic Reflections. It was at the Grand Bay Hotel in Redwood City. About 100 people attended. A highlight of the party was my presentation about the stories behind the photos in the book.

Many people who could not attend asked about a video. Well, here it is…four, actually:

  1. Celebration 85 Preview (about 7 minutes)
  2. Full Celebration 85 Presentation (about an hour and twenty minutes)
  3. Random shots of people who attended (about 4 minutes)
  4. Birthday Greetings (about 11 minutes)


Hope you enjoy these videos.




People shots


At the end of the party, my daughter, Katy, pulled me aside to show me what turned out to be my favorite birthday present of all… 


3 thoughts on “Celebration 85

  1. Hal says:

    Rick, Thanks much for the wonderful videos and presentation I am sorry I missed the day but I am keeping these videos. It’s such a privilege to have you as a friend. Love you. Hal

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