Best Shot of 2017











8:00 A.M. Morning sun. Under the 101 freeway at Larkspur Landing. Along came Santa. I panned her at 1/40 of a second. She is sharp and the cement pylons are blurred. To top it off, she is wearing a Santa hat, looking forward and smiling! Right time, right place.

Photography is a lot like golf. In golf, you make 99 shots that go wrong. Then you hit the sweet spot. Right down the middle, 250 yards. So, you keep coming back. In photography, a dozen things go wrong, the light changes, clouds come in, a dog wanders into your shot, the autofocus doesn’t work, it is over-exposed, or under…whatever. Then, that one out of 100, and bingo. It is so good, you keep at it. It is called “intermittent reinforcement.” After Santa, how could I stop?

6 thoughts on “Best Shot of 2017

  1. Bill says:

    Nice! So photography is kinda like the infinite number of monkeys with typewriters (word processors to you youngins)….?

    Happy Holidays of your choice…

  2. Bill Spaulding says:

    Nice! So photography is kinda like the infinite number of monkeys with typewriters (word processors to you youngins)….?

    Happy Holidays of your choice…

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