Bring In The Clowns
During the worst days of Covid, and the mandate to “shelter in place,” I put together some humorous video clips to lighten the mood. Watching it recently made me laugh out loud. So, here it is again in case you missed it the first time or would like to see it once more. As a speaker, trainer, and general showoff, nothing gives me a bigger rush than the laughter of an audience.
Favorite moments,
- Smashing wine glasses – some subscribers wondered, “When you filmed that, bet Mary wasn’t home.”
- Phyllis Diller – mistakes in the book, The Joy of Sex.
- Rick as a “Motivational Speaker” – biggest laugh ever on stage.
- Flaming Hot Dogs.
- Just one glass of Sutter Home Chardonnay – for health.
Our Daughter Is Getting Married
Katy McGlynn Gilbert, is getting married in February to a wonderful young man, Nathaniel Munger. As a person, who, as a youth, never wanted to be a parent, and never thought marriage was all that big a deal, I am tickled to see how much joy and love our daughter has brought into our lives, and how thrilled I am she will wed. With all this happening, I have been sorting through family photos. I want to share with you my all-time favorite father / daughter photo. At a friend’s pool. Dad, 60. Katy, 10. Unforgettable.
I love the photo of you and Katy. It personifies joy. I wish her and Nathaniel huge measures of joy as they embark on a great journey together.
So happy for Katy and Nate! And I LOVE that your attitude about marriage and children has come full circle. So much to enjoy at this point in our lives!